Dominica is situated at the northern end of the Lesser Antilles, nestled between the two French islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe.
It is a volcanic, mountainous island, 29 miles long and 16 miles wide,290 square miles of lush vegetation, surrounded by some of the world’s most vibrant marine life. To travel the island takes longer than you expect, with the windy mountain roads!
CLIMATE INFORMATION: Average daily temperature ranges from 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, although it is much cooler in the mountains.
The dry season is from February to May, and the hurricane season is from June to October.
The most rain is seen around November December. However, during the rainy season it is still a pleasant climate, with short sharp showers and plenty of sunshine.
A valid passport and a return, or onward, ticket are required ;
French nationals may stay for up to two weeks with a Carte d’Identité.
CURRENCY : The local currency is The East Caribbean Dollar (EC$2.71 = US$1).
You should change your currency at a bank if you want to get a favourable rate.
Useful tip : if someone quotes you a price in dollars, assume they are referring to EC$ unless they say otherwise.
If you ask which dollars they mean, you will often be told US$, which means you may be paying a lot more than you should.
DRIVING : Drive on the left hand side.
The speed limit in Roseau and the villages is 20 mph; there is no limit
elsewhere, although with all the twists and turns, it is not wise to
drive too fast.
A visitor’s driving permit, which costs EC$30 / US$12, is compulsory if
you wish to drive in Dominica, and is available from all car hire
TIME ZONE : Atlantic Standard Time, one hour ahead of Eastern Standard Time.
ELECTRICITY : 220/240 volts, with standard British style 3 pin square plugs.
GOVERNMENT : Full independance with republican status within the British Commonwealth.
MEDICAL INFORMATION : There is a health centre in almost every village, and there are four hospitals in Roseau, Marigot, Portsmouth and Grand Bay.
LANGUAGE : English is the official national language, although almost everyone also speaks Creole.
POPULATION : The majority of the 50,000 people are of Afro-West Indian origin, and there are about 3,000 Kalinago Carib Indians, the last surviving tribe in the world.
TAXES : There is a 15% Value Added Tax on almost all goods and services, except for accommodation which has a special rate of 10%.
All tax is included in our rates. There is also a departure tax payable at the airport, or ferry terminal, when you leave of EC$84/US$32 per person.
WATER : Most Dominicans you meet will proudly tell you that the water in the rivers is safe to drink ; they are correct.
GETTING MARRIED : We are happy to offer a full wedding package. Applications for marriage licenses must be made in person at least two days prior to the ceremony by either party.
You will be required to produce passports, birth certificates, divorce decree (if applicable) and a copy of death certificate if a widow or widower.
Single people will be required to show a declaration that they have never been married, signed before a commissioner for oaths.
Application form and is obtainable from:-The Ministry of Community Development & Women Affairs, Government Headquarters, Roseau, Commonwealth of Dominica.Tel: 1-767-448 2401.
The cost for a marriage license is $300 EC (about $120 US ).
If you need help with any of the arrangements, we are more than happy to assist you.